There are many ways to get involved at Bethel.
Greeter - welcoming people on Sunday
Monitor - during worship services
Nursery Volunteer
Sound & Live Stream Tech
Power Point or Camera Tech
Help with Coffee & Juice
Church Lawncare/Landscape
Click here if you would like to know more
about these volunteer opportunities.
Hand2Hand delivers nutritious food to students over the weekends and on extended school breaks by mobilizing churches, schools, individuals, and businesses to join together, providing hope and opportunity to thrive. Bethel supports 15 students at ZQuest Elementary School in Zeeland.
Please check the information center each Sunday for needed grocery items. Your help is much appreciated!
Reflecting Christ's light to others! The Sunshine Ministry provides a box of Sunshine and encouragement to students at The Bridge Youth Center and anyone you would like to give one to. They consist of a variety of yellow items that will brighten someone's day.
Please put your yellow donation items in the box at church by in the information center.
Click here if you would like to encourage someone with a SUNSHINE BOX.
Anyone is welcome to donate knitted or crocheted hats, scarves, mittens, slippers, baby blankets, etc. for the winter season. Please place them in the
basket in the library at church and they will be delivered to local ministries.