[ Located next to Bethel Church on Carlton Street ]
A neighborhood playground that is open to the public all year, weather permitting. Fenced in playground right next to Bethel Church
on Carlton Street. There is a picnic area with canopy and picnic table. Come outdoors and play!

​[ Throughout the Community ]
Enjoy free ice cream & the gospel story! Look for this cart throughout the neighborhood.
The ice cream cart is available to use. There is a sign-up sheet next to the cart near the entrance of church. Be a blessing and share the gospel.

​[ Located next to Bethel Church ]
Enjoy free produce from the Community Garden. All gardeners are welcome to add their harvestto this stand to bless others in the Zeeland community.

​​[ Located next to Bethel Church's Parking Lot ]
A neighborhood garden located right next to the Bethel Church's parking lot. These garden plots are 8’x10’ of tilled beds and are available to the community as well as church members. The plots are planted in the spring with many donated seeds/plants. Each person is responsible for the upkeep of their plot throughout the summer and gets to enjoy the harvest of whatever they plant.
Sign-Up Here if you are interested
in a garden plot for 2025.